Tuesday, January 29, 2008

FLCL is back on

its that time of the year again ant FLCL is back on. Yes the weirdest most addicting 6 episodes of awesomedome is back on the air to keep me entertained til 2 in the morning. One day I'll shell out the cash to actually buy the series. But until then Adult Swim keeps me happy!

my hero

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Good Omens

I just finished reading this book called Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet. and I must say that I have rarely been as impressed with a book as I was with this one. In the beginning I thought that it was just going to be a book comprised of clever little jokes within a very general story. But as you are introduced to the last few days of existence the book suddenly plunges into a deep narrative storyline while never losing its sardonic edge. Probably one of my all time favorite books at the moment. I would suggest this book to anyone (who can take a good joke)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Just Write Anything

so I'm jsut writing anything right now because I can't really think of anything to type. Even though I'm thinking of Doug at the moment. He had a journal that he wrote into every day. Everyone called it a diary, that was a good show. At one point Roger stole the journal and tried to read it but it was nothing but chicken scratch. Funny to think that after all that time of watching Doug you finally found out that he can't legibly write.